Hello! If you are looking for your Steam key for Mechajammer, or looking into a disabled key issue,
we just wanted to let you know that the beta keys were deactivated on 11/25/21,
and we'll be adding new keys to your account before the launch on 12/2/21 if you fill out your survey, or if you bought the game from the website.

Key Instructions

If you already have an account using your Kickstarter email address:
1. Login to your account here: https://whalenoughtstudios.com/your-account/
2. Click on “Purchases and Rewards”

If you do not already have an account that is using your Kickstarter email address:

1. Go to this page: whalenoughtstudios.com/cms/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword
2. Type in your Kickstarter email address
3. Check that email address for a link to set a password
4. Login as prompted or here: whalenoughtstudios.com/cms/wp-login.php
5. Go to your account page: whalenoughtstudios.com/your-account/
6. Click on “Purchases and Rewards”

Scribed on January 9, 2015


True heroes don’t use GPS

Pixel Dynamo’s James Pursaill wrote a wonderful article reacting to one of our cherished design decisions that is the real crux of adventuring in the game.

Read it here: True heroes don’t use GPS